Borderline Normal

Oh! Hello there!

This blog may or may not ever be graced by the eyes of the public domain. As of now, this being the twenty-second of December in the year of our Lord two-thousand-twenty-three, this blog will be a minimalist format for me to host my thoughts and musings on the world around me.

I have been hailed and criticized for being a jack-of-all-trades. At first, I felt that this title was a black spot on my reputation. However, I've grown to cherish this passionate quality in myself.

I find joy in knowing things-- understanding and collecting pieces of data that allow me to have a deeper interaction with the world around me. It used to be that this need to know things was rooted in insecurity, constantly needing to prove that I was worth a proverbial "hill of beans". However, after funding the college tuitions of several therapists' children, I've managed to repot this plant of insecurity in a beautiful, antique, probably glazed terracotta with a dragon on it pot of passion and fulfillment in my earthly experience.

This blog will serve as a way for me to document/journal/record my experiences and learnings. I love many things (not necessarily in this order): God and Jesus Christns, musicns, rugbyns, hockeyns, jiu jitsuns, data sciencens, data engineeringns, moviesns, only one womanns with a passion a FLEA like you could never begin to understandkss, two kidsns, dogsns, my countryns, comedyns, quality restroomsns and terracotta potting bowlsds. Any blog posts found herein may be correlated to one or none of these items.

If you have arrived at this blog, I wish you luck. I will try to outline sarcasm with proper annotations, but I make no guarantee that these annotations will be present. I'm going to put great trust in you to decipher whether I'm serious or not. If you get offended... Well... I don't know what to tell you...ns

I am in no way responsible for the headache that will occur from trying to understand my ramblings.


ns - Not Sarcasm
kss - Kinda Sorta Sarcasm
ds - Definitely Sarcasm